Wednesday, January 04, 2006

But maybe its fair to say there was a lack of communication, oh, and Enid, Enid you caught a cold.

So I woke up this morning surprised that it was morning already. I felt like shit. Complete and utter shit. I might be getting the flu, or I'm having a reaction to the ImiTaters. I'm hoping it is just a reaction, cause I don't want to get sick. And I keep thinking, why couldn't I have gotten really sick over the weekend and missed the whole funeral thing? At least I'd have had an excuse.

I talked to my friend Carl this morning (was going to use an alias for each friend, but then won't remember the alias, and we will all get confused) and he told me that it is bad to exercise when you are sick. I wonder if that is true. I trust Carl on these issues, mainly because he was a big fattie as well 2 years ago, then he started running and eating correctly, and he lost about 70 pounds, now he is a skinny bitch. There, I said it! Whatcha gonna do about it?

So, if I continue to feel like shit, feel like someone beat the snot out of me with a baseball bat, I will probably not run tonight. If I get better quick, I will try to run on Saturday then. Maybe I can just walk/jog tonight, and really try to make that fifth run of the week on Saturday. The problem with that is I am helping Carl move into his new condo with my nephews this weekend. Carl lives in DC, and I am in Pittsburgh - so it will be a long day as it is. Hmmmm...this is annoying. Just started the regimen, and it is becoming difficult. But the only road blocks I can put up are my own. Must break them down.


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