I am a rock, I am an island

The top picture is of Tom on the ferry across the Gulf of Thailand to the island of Koh Mak. It is a long, 3 hour ferry ride to the island. Tom slept on the way back.

There is a picture of me on the rocks at the corral reaf end of the island. I cut my hand when i fellin right after this picture. Dumbass. Then the picture of Tom & I on our last night and the sunset.
All in all, fantastic trip, and we only have the next 50 hours of traveling to go. We are in the port city of Trat, and will take the 6 hour bus ride into Bangkok at 6 pm, arriving at about midnight, get to the airport, and hopefully be a few hours early instead of rushing to get there. Then it is the long traveling.
I will post more when I get home, and I will tell you right now, I'd give my left arm for a real, american juicy, greasy, drippy cheeseburger right about now!
Wish us luck, and see everyone on the flip side of the world.
Oh man, i can't believe your already on your way home. i hope you cleaned your hand good after cutting it. I don't want to see any claims for you! I'm really jealous of the lounging on the beach part but will be glad to have you back on Monday. Have a safe flight
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