Friday, February 22, 2008

Forgotten while you're here, remembered for a while: a much updated ruin from a much outdated style

Four down and one to go. I have had a good weak of running except for that strange weakness on Tuesday. And even then, I finished at least the 30 minutes exercising by walking.

The routine I've gotten into running includes a three minute walk at minute 17 to minute 20. I slow down to three mph and walk. Two months ago it was slowing down for five minutes starting at minute 15, so I have gotten better. I just need to keep on going more and more. I was up to 3.15 miles in 30 minutes before I went to Thailand last February. I would like to get up to that distance again.

I do think I need to lose weight before I can get the stamina to run that far. I've read it before that one pound above the waist is like 2 pounds of pressure on your legs. I remember running when I was thinner and my legs weren't getting tired like they do now. If I can control my food intake, I know I can get back to where I once was.

So, as it has been, it seems I have a long way to go to get there. I am going to keep positive and try to get focused. It's like the power of positive thinking now. I can do it. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and gosh darnit, people like me. Yeah, that's it.


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