Thursday, January 03, 2008

I guess that's when the penny finally dropped: you're as clueless as I am

The plan for the rest of this week is to keep running and finish my bad food while still reducing calories. So far it has worked. I have clocked in at about 2600 calories each of the past two days, which is better than the 3-4,000 calories I have been eating each day for the past few months. By the weekend most of my bad food will be gone, I will give the rest of it to my parents, and then get ready to be healthy all over again.

My running isn't doing too bad, but I still can't RUN for 30 continuous minutes - I can only run for about 15 minutes, then walk at 3 mph for about 4-5 minutes, then ramp it back up until I do the cool off period for last 4 minutes. It just gets to feeling like my legs weight 400 pounds when I run too long. That might be the extra 35 pounds above the waist that is doing it.

I went to my physician's office a few weeks ago for blood work (and to get the referral for even more physical therapy) and my cholesterol level is down. In March 2006 it was at 227. As of December 7, 2007 it was at 203. This is significant because over the prior 5 years, my cholesterol has progressively risen. This is the first time it has gone down. My HDL and LDL levels were actually only slightly high. And my blood sugar level was great. Overall, everything is better, except my fat belly.

Physical therapy is going well. This week my back has been better than it has been for months, at least since October. And nothing has felt really good involving my back since the accident (don't you get tired of me talking about that? Fuck knows I'm tired of talking about it.)

I now have a plan going forward. I need to keep up with the plan for the foreseeable future - another 20-30 years. At least until the end of March. And I do want to start weight training in the Spring on the Bowflex. We shall see.


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