Friday, September 14, 2007

Get back, get back. Get back to where you once belonged

Four runs this week, each about 2.2 miles in 30 minutes. I am feeling the groove, or the burn, or the pain. Whatever it is I am supposed to be feeling that is a catch phrase for feeling comfortable that is what I am right now.

I am breaking my running into two phases to get through it all. Before, I was warming up for about 5 minutes before going full speed for 21 minutes, then a warm down period. Now, I am breaking it into 15 minute parts. Warm up slower, take 5 minutes warm up again, then run at 6 miles/per for 8 minutes, slow down, then do it again. I am not burning as many calories, but I am active for the full 30 minutes.

I don’t know how long I will do this before I get back to running like I was before. I will slowly push myself to get back to where I once was. I do feel better when I run, so I know that is a good sign.

I will also have to say that all the small aches and pains do show themselves when running. This year in softball, I seem to have tweaked a muscle in my right foot, basically pulled a muscle attached to my big toe. I don’t notice it most of the time, but I can feel it when running. I also have a small muscle strain in the left arch of my foot. I know it has been there for a few weeks, but I only feel it when running.

My left shoulder, hurt on the last day of softball, is still giving me problems, but I am doing some good stretching and strengthening exercises, so it is slowly getting better. It is good to work with doctors and nurses, as I can ask questions to them and can get some simple answers without fearing the worst. No one thinks I tore anything in my shoulder, but pulled a muscle that only time, stretching and more time can heal. If I am still having problems in a few more weeks, or if it doesn’t get better, I will seek medical help, but right now, it is just an annoyance.

Eating is hit or miss this week. I do well for a day or so, and then eat a whole medium pizza in one day. My thoughts now are that I will keep up what I am doing now, then, after my short trip next weekend to DC & Philly, I will try to be more strict, get down to at least 2,000 calories per day for a few weeks until I can get back down to 1,600 calories per day. That sounds like a good plan for now.

And now I must go to the court house here in Allegheny County to get sworn in as a Notary Public. My work at the insurance company needed a Notary, so I volunteered. And now I have to run around on my day off to get the final things done. I wonder if I have to swear to god to become a Notary. I wonder if a godless Notary is as good as one who believes in magical unicorns.


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