Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A is for asshole, which is what I am, how rude of me. I owe you an apology I'm sorry.

I got some sleep last night. I slept horribly most of the weekend, and my back was hurting so bad Sunday that I couldn’t get comfortable at all, so I worked yesterday, in a daze, on about 3 ½ hours of sleep. I think I pulled something in my back a few weeks ago when I was moving/emptying boxes, as it has hurt since that time.

I did a little shopping with my mother last night, went home, ran for 30 minutes (not my best running/jogging, but did it for 30 minutes, over 2 miles total) and then passed out from exhaustion. But not before I got to hear Bill Maher opine that a 62 y/o woman giving birth isn’t a miracle, it’s “a vagina with no off switch.” That made me giggle myself into sleep.

I talked to my mom about the Toby situation (while leaving out the FB nature of our relationship, but she ain’t stupid, so I am sure she has that all figured out – I did live with the ‘rents for the 3 years prior to buying my house last May) and she thinks that I shouldn’t feel bad, as if he fails on his won merits, he fails. I asked about the charity angle, help those who can’t help themselves, and she pointed out, quite rightly, that I have helped him time and time and time again, and he doesn’t want to help himself. She doesn’t think he is as stupid as I portray him, but that his selfishness makes him not care about anything outside of his own realm. If it doesn’t help Toby, he doesn’t want anything to do with it.

She remembered the first time that she met Toby. It was him, her, my grandmother & me at a restaurant. The waitress got something wrong on the order, and Toby said “That is why I hate women – they can’t get anything right.” I swear, that was the first meeting.

And yeah, now that I’ve put that down, I can’t figure why I kept him around for many more years, even if it was on a more informal basis. Oh yeah, the unmentionables. I won’t go into that here.


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