Wednesday, March 01, 2006

you think that I don't even mean a single word I say. It's only words and words are all I have

I am adding a new word to my personal lexicon:

Bumfuzzle (bum' fuz el) – the art of one person to confuse you without reason to do so.

I found this online:

American Heritage Dictionary has it (used chiefly in the southern United States, means "to confuse," and probably derives from some combination of "bamboozle," "fuddle," and "fuzzy."),

Random House Unabridged dictionary notes the term originated around 1900, again “to confuse.”

The Merriam-Webster Unabridged notes bumfuzzle is an "alteration of English dialect, 'dumfoozle' and 'dumfound.'"

My favorite is one web site that has this to say about the word Bumfuzzle: “The best part about the term is since most folks ask you what it means, as soon as you say it your seeing it in action!”

Someone I work with remotely used the term, and I giggled when she used it. And then the next day, I giggled some more. And I thought, if just using a word can make me giggle so much, I am either mentally handicapped, high, or the word is just that damn funny. And since I've never used drugs and don't remember being tested for mental deficiencies, it must be that the word is brilliant.

So get ready to be bombarded by my new favorite word – Bumfuzzle!


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