Tuesday, April 04, 2006

How To Be Cosmically Conscious, Cosmically Conscious With Me. Such A Joy, Joy.

1445 calories and 30 minutes running. Kept right on track yesterday. I did have steak, potatoes, mixed veggies and fresh spinach for dinner. I am realizing this 1600 calorie diet is all about portions, and I like that.

I cheated yesterday for lunch. Instead of making lunch, I brought in a Lean Cuisine meal. It was good and all, just not as satisfying as I’d hoped it would be. Only 330 calories of grilled chicken and penne pasta deliciousness, with a side of caramel apple dessert. It was just easier to bring that in than to pack all the food. I am back today to having my fresh lunch, with a pita filled with chicken, sweet yellow peppers, onions and celery chopped up and mixed with some light mayo & Frank’s Red Hot Sauce. Also have some cucumber strips to dip in an Italian dressing and, for desert, strawberries.

Running was getting easier to do, so I started going faster. Now I do about 10 minutes at 6 mph, and hope to get that up to at least 20 minutes total at 6 mph. I know it seems like the height of lazy-comfort, but the run seems to go better when I’m watching something interesting on TV. I am seriously thinking about putting a better TV in place as the one I have is a little mono 19” one, and it isn’t loud enough, so I have to run with closed caption on (or subtitles, it if it is a DVD.) And I am going to run out of DVD’s soon, or at least DVD’s that are good to run to (“Usual Suspects,” though one of my favorite movies, isn’t good to run to.)

A quick update about Toby. He is still in Southern California living off of some other guy. And not having sex with him. I don’t understand what is going on there, but he calls me a few times a week to chat, and he is actually bored. He was supposed to leave on a train ride on Friday, and missed that train. Then he was supposed to leave Sunday afternoon, and missed that train. Then he was supposed to leave Monday morning, and missed that train. So he told me last night that he is going to visit another internet friend in Santa Barbara for a few days, then head out on Thursday, which was the next train available for him. Oh, and he still has the cell phone the first guy gave to him and pays the bill.

I should point out that Toby’s little brother lives near Santa Barbara. Toby has been in SoCal for over 2 weeks now, and hasn’t even bothered to visit him, even though when he told me about this trip, that was the main reason he was taking it, to see his little brother, whom he hasn’t seen in like 5 years. Granted, the little brother is a struggling heroin addict who has Hepatitis, but hey, it is still his brother.

So, for those keeping score, that is going to almost 3 weeks total in one of the most expensive areas in the country, transportation in between the ‘Burgh and SoCal, food and lodging, cell phone use, all lodging and food. And he isn’t spending a dime of his own money. Where did I go wrong?

Carl & I are trying to get a trip to Amsterdam set up for the week of Memorial Day, and the airfare is ridiculous at the moment. Over $900 no matter where we fly out(our choices are Pittsburgh, Baltimore and Dulles) and I want to get that down to about $500, and see no reason we can’t get it down to that price. We are flexible, so that should help getting a better fare.

I have worked at the same job for 9 ½ years, and except for 8 weeks following being fired from an accounting firm in 1994 for being gay (and yes, that was the reason, believe it or not) I haven’t been out of work since January 5, 1992 when I started working on the movie “Innocent Blood” being filmed in Pittsburgh. And I’ve never had a free 3 week vacation. Again, where is that fair? And don’t tell me about Karma, cause that will just piss me off. And don’t tell me about my pension, 401(k) or Social Security Retirement. I don’t want to know about them. They aren't helping me now. And, as my job points out on a daily basis, I could die at any moment.

I want a free trip some time in my life. (this would be the point in our program where I am then reminded that my mother is paying for 2/3 of my trip to Rome with her this summer. Or she is at least loaning me the money indefinitely. But still. Karma, damnit, I want Karma to bite some people in the ass. Just not me.)

Man, am I whiney today or what? And I didn’t even talk about the Pirates game yesterday.


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