Saturday, December 09, 2006

I'll forgive the lies that I heard before when you gave me no reply

5 days part for the treadmill, therefore no fixed treadmill. I ran on Wednesday outside, but since then Pittsburgh has experienced some freezing weather, so I have not ventured outside to run.

I was told 3-5 days to receive the part. I will reiterate, I called on Monday morning about noontime. That should have been day 1, but if not, Tuesday is day 1. That makes Saturday day 5. Fucking fuck nuts. Anger rising. Just go back to my early February rants about this and repeat it here. While they take their sweet time, I am going to get fat again.

Actually, I seem to have stayed at 222 lbs this week. I settled there and have stayed there. Not bad, considering I am doing little sustained cardio work (I spent three hours this morning cleaning the bathroom, and though I did sweat, I don’t think that constitutes a good cardio workout.) I am not overeating like I have on weekends in the past, probably because I fear the fact that I am not running I will get fatter.

On a happier note, I got my tickets to Thailand for me and the nephew. Less than $900 each for 3 weeks traveling to the wonderful country of Thailand (and then back to Pittsburgh in wintertime.) That is a load of off my mind. Now I can get down to planning what to do on each day. As I said before, Eltee will do a lot of the daily planning, but I want to make sure that we are seeing everything that the nephew wants to see.

I also am a bit worried that his first flight includes a 13 + hour transpacific flight from Chicago to Tokyo. After that, the 7 + hour flight from Tokyo to Bangkok is going to seem like a puddle jump, dontcha think? I hope he isn't too bored. I have a feeling he is going to try to swipe my iPod to listen to it the whole trip. Little does he realize Uncle Mike won't have any of that cool hip hop on his iPod that all the 19 year olds like. He'll listen to all the 80's music I have - cum on feel the noize!

Well, that is it for a rare Saturday post for me. I need to get ready to work at the movie theatre with both of my twin nephews, speaking of the little devils. If I end up having a second date with the guy I went on a date with Thursday evening, I will talk about it. Right now, I'm going to keep mum about it and see if it is anything other than one nice little drinks date.

By the way, this is post #150 for me. Again, like when I reached 100 posts, I am surprised with myself that I've made it this far. I don't think people understand how much keeping this blog has helped me work on getting into better shape. And this week was important, as I was able to look back and see exactly what I was feeling when the treadmill broke the first time, and now that I anticipated that, I am not a seething bag of rage...I am angry, but not like February when I didn't know how sucky the warranty is on NordicTrack equipment. I know it will get fixed, though, so that is important.

When I get to 200 posts, I hope to be able to be posting pictures of me, and my progress. That should give me about 4 more months to figure that out on Blogger. Wish me luck!!


Blogger Ryan said...

ok can i b your nephew 2?

sounds like u guys will have a blast!

6:05 AM  
Blogger Mike said... are not the only person who has asked to be my niece or nephew. Sadly, you have to be born or be married into the family for me to take you on a trip (the niece I took to Paris is actually my step-niece, but I don't distinguish it that way.)

6:59 AM  

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