Monday, November 27, 2006

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry

Well, I guess I didn’t get around to updating at all whilst in London. Big shock there, eh? I wanted to, but was so busy that the times I was near the internet, I didn’t want to type at all. And I might have been drunk. Maybe. Can’t remember.

So, the bad news up front. As of this morning, 226 lbs. That is actually better than when I landed on Saturday afternoon, but still it isn’t good. Also, I didn’t make the time to run at all. I did walk a lot, and Lynne & I did go up 535 steps to the top of St. Paul’s Cathedral on Monday, and that is no easy feat, but still, no running.

I can so feel the extra 8-10 pounds. It has slowed me down considerably, and I feel bloated the past few days. So today, back to the 1600 calories/day and I will run tonight for the firs time in 12 days. Yikes, that is my longest break in running since I started last October.

As for the trip…too much to post on here. We went, in order, to Stonehenge, Bath, Leeds Castle, Canterbury, St. Martin’s, The National Gallery of England, Harrod’s, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Edinburgh Castle, St. Giles Cathedral, The Palace at Holyroodplace, The National Gallery of Scotland, The Tower of London & Parliament. Lynne & I saw 6 different airports in our travels, and I still think Pittsburgh is the best airport I’ve ever been. We took several trains, subways, buses and once a London Cab. We watched Gary drive on the other side of the road and not kill us. Somehow. And we almost got mugged on the Westminster Bridge at 10:30 pm on a Sunday night.

All in all, a fantastic journey, if a very expensive one. I learned only after I got back that London has recently been named the world’s most expensive city. And I proved it ($48 for 2 matinee tickets to Casino Royale with 2 large drinks and 2 large popcorns. Very expensive.)

Now it is back to the grind of eating better and running a lot. I have to start getting into shape for softball again. Gary did talk about getting me a few sessions with a personal trainer for Christmas, and if he comes through with that, I think I can make a great deal of progress to getting in better shape and getting healthier.

I will tell some stories later this week of things I saw in the United Kingdom that made me happy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but hey, we have the pirates to look forward to.

2:40 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Yeah, and just after I renew my partial season tickets for the 2007 Pirates, they pick up the $3 mill option on freakin Damaso Marte! What is that all about? And now it looks like they will keep Chacon.

This looks like a winning team?

And yet, I'll still be at the games.

4:24 AM  

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