Monday, April 30, 2007

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me: I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

This morning I weighed in at 232.5 lbs., so I’m down 5 lbs. from last week. I ate alright for the weekend, but not great. It was my first two Pirates games, so I had to try some of the usual fare at the ballpark, hot dogs, nachos, French fries, et al. As I said, it was alright, not as voracious as I’ve been in the past.

The real good news for me is that I actually practiced softball yesterday for the first time this spring. And after about an hour of practicing, we played another team in a scrimmage game. Not bad at all, although I will say I didn’t run too much, or too hard, and I didn’t play with my usual reckless abandon. But it was nice to be out there, and nice to be able to do it without any real pain. I’m sore now, but not in the neck area. Usual arm/shoulder stuff I get when I first knock off some of the winter rust.

I have my last PT sessions this week. I am hopeful that this is the end of my need for PT for this injury. I’ve been slowly getting better and better, so that is reason to be happy. Having said that, though, I hve thought that in the past and then woken up and been hit with the throbbing headache.

But I am being hopeful here.


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