Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fed up with your indigestion, swallow words one by one.

Ah, my monthly post, it seems. I don't want to only post once per month, but it seems I have very little of interest to say. I'm getting fatter and fatter.

As of this morning, I am 262.5 lbs. Oh, how I have fallen. But, for the first time since I started the diet, I have my house stocked with all the proper food needed to eat healthy and lose weight. Therefore, as of this morning's breakfast, I am back on the 1600 calorie diet. Here's hoping it lasts longer than the last time I started it.

The last entry in my food diary is Januuary of this year. I tried for like 3 days to follow my food. But this time...

this time...

this time...

It will all be different. I feel sometimes like a junkie, needing my next fix of calories. And I keep saying I'll come off it, I won't eat more, and then every time I eat more and more. So here I am saying that I will be good. Give myself six weeks of this at the least. Eat well and exercise.

Speaking of exercising, the running has been coming along nicely, surprisingly. I've been running 2.25 miles every day. It isn't great, but it is steady. I haven't been able to do it every day, but I get at least 4 runs in per week. Starting this week, I will be running 5 times per week. And let's see where this takes me, eh?

262.5 lbs. Fuck, how did I get here? Well, I am getting myself out of this mess!


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