Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Look around you find the ground is not so far from where you are but not too wise

The week is going well so far. Two days, Two 2.65 mile runs in 30 minutes. I'm doing alright on food. Certainly not great, but alright. I can see that I need to get into the right frame of mind to decrease the calories, and I think making the decision to play on the softball team has helped me get into that frame of mind. I can be trying to run down the fly balls with this large belly flopping around.

I am starting to organize my food here at my place. I need to buy a few more fresh vegetables and fruits. I have some good frozen and canned goods, but I need to stock up some more and get the food scheduled. That was an important part the last time I successfully lost weight. What helps most of all is being organized and having the right food available instead of crappy food.

I will say that I didn't go to my job at the movie theater on Friday as we had a huge snow storm here, and the more I watched it come down, the more it reminded me too much of the storm that hit the Pittsburgh area last March 16, when we were in a car accident. And in reality, I just didn't think that I wanted to be out there for a low paying, second, weekend job. And that is what I told the manager when I called in to tell them. And his response was "I wouldn't come in either." Therefore, I had a three day weekend. Good for me. I need more of those.


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