Sunday, April 13, 2008

I lose the track that loses me, so here I go

Well, it's been a few weeks, but I keep on keepin' on. Been running regularly, 5 times each week, missing a few times here and there, mostly due to doing other activities. I didn't run yesterday, but spent over 2 hours at softball practice, so I got plenty of work in.

I've been eating poorly, but what's new about that? I eat well for a few days and then binge. It is frustrating, to say the least. But what can I do but keep chugging forward.

Still having some back problems. A sharp pain under my right shoulder blade that radiates outwards, sometimes up to my shoulder, sometimes down to my lower back. I was at my physician's office Friday, and he isn't sure what else can be done. Not certain if it is a torn muscle or a pinched nerve. I think it is a muscle problem, but it's location is making it difficult to treat. It's not like I can just stop using my right arm and shoulder.

Next Monday April 21 I am going to an orthopedic specialist just to make sure there isn't anything else that needs to be done. The annoying part is that I have to drive to the hospital we went to following the accident to get the actual films from the MRI & CAT scans so that the orthopedist, who is affiliated with a competing hospital system, can look at them directly. The hospital won't send him the films. Anyway I go to the hospital, I have to pay for parking. That is frustrating.

And I get to go on Neurontin for the back pain on a chronic basis. Neurontin is a muscle relaxer and pain reliever. In reading up on it, it is also used to treat bipolar disorder. I wonder what that side effect will be. Maybe I will be happier about the pain, who knows? I do know that I have never wanted to be on any prescription on a daily basis, so this is angering me. For the next 90 days, I am going to regularly taking a possible mind altering drug.

I guess this whole post should be titled "Thank you Mr. Murphy, you fuck face: I hate you!" (The medication will help me with that anger, I guess.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should try pot. It is calming.

5:43 AM  

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