Sunday, January 08, 2006

You just go and lay your head on a Pittsburgh Steeler fan

I didn't run yesterday, however I did get a lot of activity in packing the truck with Carl's stuff and then unpacking it in Maryland. It was also a long day, starting at 9:30 am, ending at just about 8 pm, I believe. My nephews did the hard part, as they were the ones being paid, however I did plenty.

I had a cheese & sausage omelet with bacon for breakfast/lunch and on the drive to Maryland I had a bag of peanuts and beef jerky. Drank nothing but water all day long.

Had wonderful, wonderful Mongolian BBQ for a later dinner. I had two bowls full, one with beef & one with mostly pork and some lamb. All good veggies grilled up with the meat. I love Mongolian BBQ. My boss told me about it a few years ago, and I thought it sounded awful...then I went to one, and wish we had one here in the 'Burgh. If you haven't been to one, there is a large bowl shaped steel bbq in the middle of the room with 2-3 chefs. Surrounding this is fresh veggies/fruits & raw meat set up salad-bar-type and then different oils at the ends. You put what you want into the bowl, and can either add your own meat & oils or tell the chef to do it (I always tell them to make it spicy) and they take it and grilled up in front of you. The one in Chinatown in DC is called Tony Chengs, and I have loved it every time I've been. Again I will reiterate, we need one in Pittsburgh.

Slept in a bit today at the hotel, and then had a meat/cheese scrambled egg breakfast with sausage & bacon. Everyone else had french toast, and I wanted to steal all of it and shove it down my throat. It smelled/looked fantastic, but I had to fight the urge. Oh, mine came with pancakes and hash browns, but Carl made sure he put salt, sugar, pepper and Brandon put ketchup on those and stopped me from even being interested in them.

I am home now, got home about 10 minutes before the Steelers game started. If I really wanted to not eat, I should hope the Steelers played every day when I am suddenly hungry. I have tried 2 times to make some food, but when I looked at the ingredients (and saw yet another stupid penalty from the Steelers) I am then suddenly not hungry. Grrrrr! I figure, whatever happens in the game, I will be eating after it anyway. Go Steelers.

Back to running tomorrow for 29 minutes. I think that is going to be tough, but I am looking forward to it.


Blogger Mike said...

What? Hot, sweaty men in skin tight uniforms chasing each other and jumping on each other, and you can't watch it? I find that hard to believe!

11:31 AM  

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