Monday, May 08, 2006

Girls will be boys and boys will be girls, it’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world

I had another 3 pound loss on Friday, putting me at 225 lbs (added that in for Carl) and then spent the weekend eating lots of food, most of them being the drive-through variety. I don’t know if I wanted to do that or if it was my “reward” for losing some weight.

This of course included firing up my own little deep fryer and deep frying some chicken wings, covered in Frank’s Red Hot Sauce and an Asian Dragon Sauce. Then I fried up some steak fries. I am now going to look into what else I can fry up, as it tasted so freakin good! I’m going to have to learn to control my deep frying skills, use them for good, and only sparingly. As I am in the mood right now to deep fry this Diet Coke can and frickin munch on it! I swear, I could do it!

I think I have to more careful in the next few weeks. I don’t want to slow down the good work I’ve put into it, and I want to be in better shape for the trip to Amsterdam. Not that I am trying to impress anyone in Amsterdam, but I also don’t want the pictures to come back looking like the 2001 pics from Amsterdam. I was really fat then.

One day I am going to learn how to pics up here, and you can see the “before” and “after” photos of this little experiment of mine.

It took me until Saturday to now have that strange pressure in my stomach every time I ate. I don’t know what that was, and I don’t think I want to know. It was just annoying enough to slow down my running. I didn’t end up running in Saturday, what with shopping and then work at the theater.

Had softball yesterday, 2 games. I am disappointed in my play so far. I had two balls go way over my head (I was playing right center field in the 4 person outfield) and I think that looked really bad on my part. And one of the balls that went over my head was from my arch-enemy. I will call my arch-enemy Frank here. Pronouns are not helpful (is “shim” a pronoun?). Frank & I got into an argument last year when Frank was being a dick (or a cunt, I can’t tell) on the field, and we argued for an entire double header.

When I play softball, and I think the other team is doing something wrong, or is arguing a call, I let them do that on their own. I think they get more riled up and play worse. If I argue a call, I do it to the umpire. Well, I slid into second base last year, clearly safe, and was called out. I started arguing the call and Frank, coming in from third base, started telling me to be more sportsman-like and go back to the bench. I told Frank to shut the fuck up, and Frank thought that was rude. Then Frank found out what rude truly is as I continue to play little mind games the rest of the evening (it was a night doubleheader), and the feud started.

So yesterday, I spent most of the game trying to bean Frank in the head with a line-drive down the first base side (I didn't come close, sadly - kept getting pitched inside, and I can't seem to ever drive a ball to the right side when they are in on me), and Frank hit a ball over my head for a homerun. We split the doubleheader in a come-from-behind first game, but I am still stinging from the embarrassment of letting a shim drive a ball over my head. I consider it a loss.

I finished reading Dan Brown’s “Angels & Demons” last week, and it was good, I guess. Not so sure about the whole leaping from a helicopter with a handkerchief and not only surviving but being able to rush back to the Vatican and save the day from an egomaniacal ruler who somehow survived the leap from the same helicopter and then was unseen as he lands 20 feet above everyone else after some super explosion of a new weapon, but hey, who am I to argue with a best selling writer? I have now progressed to his next novel, the soon to be released movie, “The Da Vinci Code.” It’s ok so far, about 100 pages into it.

Hmmm…after work and more work and then softball and dishes and laundry, it doesn’t seem like I have as much energy today. I wanted to run tonight, but I am really sore from softball, and I need to do some chores after work, so I might not run tonight. I will restart it all up tomorrow. I hope.


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