Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A prophecy for a fantasy; the curse of a vivid mind

Ran for 30 minutes last night, and it was tough but I made it through. I was just under 3 miles again. I think if I’d run one more minute I’d make it to 3 miles. Not sure I want to put that pressure on myself 9 days before I leave for Amsterdam and then probably won’t run regularly.

Ate great yesterday, and was full and under 1600 calories at the end of the day. It has got me wondering if I can do a low calorie weekdays and higher calorie weekends for long. And still lose weight, of course.

The final thing I’ve been thinking about is what I want my goal weight to be. I have been reticent to give myself a weight-specific goal, but my doctor wants to see me at about 200 pounds. I didn’t think that was quite as possible as he did. I have thought all along that 210-215 was what should be my goal. But now that I am 11 pounds from the low part of that goal, I think I might be able to get at least below 210. We shall see where it goes from here.


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