Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Say, don't you remember? I'm your pal. Buddy can you spare a dime?

Anybody got spare cash? Maybe a little bit you can send my way? Any donations are accepted.

On top of everything else going on in my life, I now have to spend $5200 on a new Heat Pump. Now, in reality, I don’t need to spend this money. I could fix the gas lines for just under $2000 and keep paying the gas company. Or I can put that money into a new Heat Pump. A very high efficiency Heat Pump. That will “pay for itself in 5 years” according the HVAC guy.

Owning a home sucks. I don’t know where I am getting all this money. I know where some of it is coming from and that scares me, but I feel at times like I am hemorrhaging money left and leveraging my future constantly.

Yeah, this is coming from someone who has flown to Amsterdam, Rome & Edmonton this year and going to London in 6 weeks and will be in Thailand in February/March next year. But you see, this was all planned before the gas pipes decided to leak. And I decided to “invest” in my home (the word the HVAC guy used, instead of “spend”) the money now.

I still think the best “investment” I made was the treadmill & the food scale. Without either of those, I wouldn’t be half the man that I am now (well, maybe 5/6th of the man I used to be after 40 some pounds.)

Oddly enough, I seem to have twisted my right ankle ever so slightly playing softball, but it doesn’t bother me while running on the treadmill, only when walking around. So I need to be careful when I’m walking around. Maybe after I run tonight I’ll just sit around doing nothing, no laundry, no dishes, just sit. In my heat-less existence.


Blogger Ryan said...

my dad sure would feel u on this post he always bitchin about the house guess i will when i buy mine 2!

5:46 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

It is tough, but I know deep down that it will all be worth it. And that is how I have to think of it. I do like how the HVAC guy referred to my total cost to install the heat pump as my "investment" instead of my bill. It is only an investment.

7:29 AM  

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