Monday, June 04, 2007

Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday, Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.

I was born in the year of the cock. I don't know if that was prescient, coincidence or providence, cause we all know how I feel about cock. Just saying.

I don't believe in the mythology of these different forms of Astrology, but I do find it interesting. There are obvious and well known types of astrology, like the animals in Chinese Astrology.
And there are the ones we all know is the west, known as Western or Magickal Atrology. I am a Gemeni. Again, I have no belief that the attributions and dispositions of said Gemeni's are embodied in me, but I do find it interesting that the Gemeni is suposed to be a "chatty, versatile (not THAT kind of versatile), communication specialist," and that does seem to describe me (my BA is in Communication, so I am seeing the link.)

In Thai culture, they have a belief that the day of the week you were born on has a related color. I was born in 1969 on a Tuesday, and therefore my color is:
In case you didn't get that, let me put it this way:

One more time that is:

So, in a final look at my own world according to some astrology, I am a pink cock with a dual personality. Hmmm...maybe there is more to this astrology crap than I had originally thought.

If there is, is this a picture of me?

Just curious...


Blogger Ryan said...

omg that is 2 funny! love the post mike!

6:29 AM  

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