Monday, January 16, 2006

A churlish refusal, in other words, to suck Satan's cock

Normally, the titles of my posts are song lyrics. This time, however, it is a line from the book "Saint Morrissey" by Mark Simpson. No the book is subtitled "A portrait of this charming man by an alarming fan." So that should tell you all you need to know about the book. Now Mr. Simpson is a good writer, and he writes for, and I've read some other of his stuff, but this book is such a love fest to Morrissey that I think it loses all points for reality. Even with that subtitle, it goes overboard and tries to make the case that Morrissey is the greatest pop artist, and that all music that came after The Smiths was rubbish...except of course for Morrissey's solo work, for which Mr. Simpson becomes an apologist for his bad solo stuff ("Kill Uncle" anyone?) and then tries to make it seem that his good solo stuff was just as good as The Smiths ("Vauxhall and I"), instead of just an attempt to mirror his work with Johnny Marr. (Did anyone even know that Morrissey released an album in 1997 called "Maladjusted"?)

Now, having said all that, I admit I've enjoyed the book; it is well written and has some great insights into a very enigmatic pop star. And really, anyone who can write the sentence "A churlish refusal, in other words, to suck Satan's cock," in reference to Morrissey, and make you realize that this is a completely true statement, is an excellent writer.

Today I ran for 29 minutes. I had to take a break in the middle, slowing down for 90 seconds, but I made it through. I don't want to do another 4 day running week. I want to do this 5 times a week from now on. Two weeks into this thing, and I've missed my goal both weeks. I will work harder this week and make my goal.

I ate a ham & cheese omelet wit bacon for breakfast, then for dinner had pork chops, asparagus (we seeing a pattern here?) and a small bit of that casserole that I made the other day. Obviously I love the pig! Now, since it is past the first two weeks, I did have a low carb Reese's Cup. I love them. And, just for fun, I just finished a cheese and bacon sandwich. I cooked up a pound of bacon for my breakfasts this week, and used two strips for a sandwich tonight. And some soy chips, and I didn't count them! Yeah, you heard me – no counting them! Unless I start gaining weight, then I will have failed, and maybe I’ll give this exercise thing up and be able to tell the firemen who come to break out my doorway so that the medics can carry me out to the care facility “I wash myself with a rag on a stick.”


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