Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Don't try suicide, you're just gonna hate it, don't try suicide, nobody gives a damn

So the Supreme Court bitch slapped John Asscroft today. It is about time that some of the insanity that is the bullshit of GWB's first 5 years gets wiped away In the long run, I bet that many people will have wished that they didn't vote for that fuckwad. But now, the SCOTUS has struck down the stupidity of Asscroft and allowed the completely legal Oregon assisted suicide law to be reinstated. The Repubs think that they are for states rights unless they don’t like that states decisions. In the majority ruling, Justice Kennedy wrote "Congress did not have this far-reaching intent to alter the federal-state balance." The law was upheld 6-3.

This is my fear with Alito. That gives the bad guys one more fucking vote, and we all need to hope that John Paul Stevens stays healthy. Of course, if the GOP (Greedy Old Phuckers) win the presidency in 2008, then anything good that happened during the 90's will be wiped away, and our future as a great country is in question. The 80's proved that we can survive 8 years of insanity after Reagan, but I don't know if we can handle 12 years of it. Even the first George Bush wasn't too bad.

Ran for 29 minutes today. Ate eggs & cheese and bacon for breakfast, pork chops for lunch, then had some asparagus, casserole and a cheese & pepperoni sandwich for dinner. And soy chips. I love the soy chips. With some sour cream & onion dip. Gonna have one of my low carb ice cream sandwiches to top it off, and try to fall asleep by 10 pm. Go me!


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