Monday, July 10, 2006

The dummy failed the crash test

So I have failed miserably. Shortly after I wrote what I wrote in my last entry, temptation came a knockin’, and as usual, I opened the door full open and invited it right inside.

Temptation came in the form of stuffed French toast that a co-worker made for breakfast (one of my co-workers was leaving the job to move to another part of the country, and I think we all were in the mood to drown our sorrows at losing her in food.) So I had one, cream cheese filled stuffed French toast. Then I decided to have another one when it was offered. By then, grief at losing such a good co-worker having taken over, I stuffed a third helping in between sniffs.

Well, this co-worker is from another country, and she brought in a huge bag full of chocolates from said foreign country. So I had to partake in some of the chocolates. It would have just been rude not to, and I don’t want to be rude.

Then, for lunch, the team brought in some things for said co-workers last day (again, so many on this team seem to take comfort in food in our time of pain.) I don’t normally work on Fridays, and I was out of the office when they decided to make the food, so I wasn’t informed of it until the morning. I didn’t bring any food, but I was allowed to participate in the consumption of the food. Pulled beef BBQ sandwiches, Cole slaw & potato salad. And then I had a second helping. Then I figured I’d gone so far into overeating mode that I might as well make it worthwhile, so I got a bag of salt & vinegar potato chips and downed them.

I then had a pretty bad weekend in terms of food and exercise. Exercise as I didn’t do any over the weekend. I did play softball on Sunday, and did a lot of walking at some MLB All Star events, but not a real good, sustained for 30 minutes work out like I like to get done. And I ate really awful on Saturday. Like, super duper bad, like 7 pieces of pizza & a plate full of greasy French fries bad. Fuck!

I don’t know why I don’t seem to have that killer instinct when it comes to my weight and healthier eating recently. I technically even last the whole 6 weeks I had promised myself at the beginning of the 1600 calorie diet.

Before Amsterdam, I was down to 218 lbs. Last week I was up to 226 lbs, and I know from experience that I have gained at least a few pounds from the past 3 days.

I need to learn how to recommit myself to this. I am going to sound like a broken record by continually typing that sentence, but I have to believe it at some point in time. That is the reason I do this blog, to keep myself focused, and I have lost focus. So I am going to keep typing it until I fucking believe it!


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