Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Gimme head with hair, long beautiful hair, shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen. Give me down to there hair

So I had the weigh-in on Friday, and I am back down to 219 lbs. I don’t know how I have gotten back down to what I continually refer to as “pre-Amsterdam weight,” but I have. I only ran 4 times last week and didn’t eat particularly low calorie, but there it was, on the scale. 219 lbs.

I then ran Friday and Saturday, 30 minutes each time, and made it through the regular running routine though a bit slower than before, but I will work myself back up to running 7 mph. It looks like I’m back on track. I am quite happy and a little surprised at my ability not to just stop doing it altogether. Not that I’m breaking my arm patting myself on my back, but I am doing better than I thought I would.

Which brings me to last night. After running, I had to go to my parent’s house, and my brother J.J. and his 2 year old were in for a visit from Manhattan. So J.J., who is 3 years older than me, was looking in the mirror at his hairline and says “Mike, are you losing your hair?” (More as a question cause he thinks he is and we share genes and look alike, not due to any observation on his part, clearly, as he wasn’t looking at me and hasn’t seen me in 9 months and you’d think he say something about weight loss before hair loss if he was looking directly at me.)

And my mother, without a beat having passed, says “Yes he is.”

I am wondering if maybe I’m missing something, as I’ve never really paid attention to my hair. I mean, I know it is there, and I use good shampoo and conditioner, but nothing fancy, and I hate to put any “product” in it to make it go one way or the other. I colored my hair once when I was in college, but that was 15 years ago and I have no desire to do it again.

I went home and looked into the mirror. And I will say that the sides of the top are further back than I remember, but the top seems to be the same as it always has been, at least to my eye. The sides and back of my hair are thick and annoying, whereas the top has always seems a bit thin to me, but I don’t actually think it has changed.

I stopped going to the same stylist earlier this year that I had been using for about 8 years as the shop he worked in and was convenient for me to get to closed up, but I sort of asked him at one point if he thought my hair was changing, and he didn’t think so, so I didn’t think of it again. But now, my mother seems to think I am losing my hair.

I am now wondering if I should get some sort of hair product that will help keep my hair where it is. But I’ve never, ever looked into any type of this product and don’t know where to start. And what if I spend extra money on a panacea that will actually be a placebo? What if it actually works in reverse and makes all my hair fall out instead of just the sides and some off the top?

Should I start growing a mullet to make up for the loss of hair on top? Should I just shave my entire head to make it seem like I’m comfortable with no hair? Maybe I’ll keep the same hair style I currently have but have them thin out the part that is not thin yet and maybe make it look like I’m losing all my hair evenly.

Instead, I shaved my back hair, which isn’t easy to do all alone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

12:38 AM  

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