Thursday, July 13, 2006

You say you've seen seven wonders

am in a horribly bad mood this week. Actually, since the end of May, I can say that I’ve been in a bad mood any time I’ve been in the good old USA. I don’t think being in the country has anything to do with it, but it coincides with the time that I have to be at work.

Now don’t get me wrong, I got no problem working. I actually am currently in a position I enjoy and seem to be good at performing. Not often do people get to use the sentence “Get me that forensic pathologist on the phone to review this report” during their jobs, so I think I have a cool job. I also like the way the work is managed. I have been micromanaged in the past, and I abhor it, and vowed never to put myself into a situation where I would be treated so poorly by management.

But for some reason the idea of work isn’t doing it for me right now. I am not liking having to get up in the morning. I am not liking having to talk to people on the phone about all kinds of problems. And I don’t want to be sitting at my desk all day long. I am bitter at having to go to work.

I am angry at the people who talked me into buying a home, because this is making me feel like I HAVE to go to work every day until I pay it off when I am like 60 years old. I am upset that I was ripped out of the bosom of my family home to by my own place and be saddled with a mortgage, which makes me go to work which makes me miserable.

I guess I should point out that I moved back to my parent’s home in 2001 to be able to do 2 things: 1 - to help in the care of my grandmother as she was nearing the end of a long illness, and 2 - to travel around the world. My grandmother passed away the year after I moved back home, and since that time I traveled all over the USA, Europe, Canada & one 2 week trip to South East Asia.

And even since I moved into my own home in June 2005, I have taken trips to: Paris, France; Raleigh, NC; Chicago, IL; Washington DC; Columbus, OH; Edmonton, Alberta; Amsterdam, NL; Rome, Italy. So it isn’t like I’ve been stopped from doing anything I want.

AND STILL, I am in a bad mood about working and being in the office. And I know this is completely and totally irrational. Makes no sense whatsoever. Even if I didn’t have a home, I’d still need to have a job. And since I need to have a job, I might as well have the job I currently have.

And yet, when I think of work I get bitchy and moody and cranky and want to tear my hair out and scream.

Ran pretty well last night for 30 minutes. Fell great afterwards, to be honest, and then had some wonderful veggie dinner afterwards. I am getting on the scale tomorrow morning, so there will be more gnashing of teeth and wailing of voices coming from the Eastern suburbs of Pittsburgh I am sure. Not that it will be that bad, as I still fit into my "thinner" clothes easily, but I just haven't done enough these past few weeks to get it all going. I need to work on that.


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