Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Wheels that we used for grinding

The plan works. I’ve proven that. It is the implementation of the plan that might not work too well.

After all that hullabaloo on Monday, I didn’t run. I went home and worked in my yard (a small tree had fallen and was blocking my view onto my (very busy) road at the end of my downhill driveway.) Then I had to clean the house to make sure all fleas are out (the vet told me my cats had fleas, so they got treated over the weekend) and needed to buy vacuum bags. Had I known that the vacuum I have uses very rare bags, I would have just borrowed my mothers vacuum at 6:30 pm, instead of finally stopping there at 8:45 pm after I’d gone to 6 stores. And then I had to actually use the damn thing to clean.

Monday, I ate well (less than 1500 calories, mostly fruits), but didn’t run. And then yesterday, I didn’t eat as well (probably a bit over 2100 calories by my estimation), but I did run, up to 2.8 miles. I went out for lunch and had ½ a hoagie and French fries with a friend.

It’s all a give and take, and I am hoping that once my trip to Edmonton is done, I can settle back down into a specific routine and finally get more seriously into losing the weight instead of being semi-happy with the fact I can easily lose weight after I gain 7-10 pounds on some binge.

Funny thing happened last night. I was going through pictures from my Amsterdam trip and my Rome trip. These trips were about a month apart from each other. I left for Amsterdam on 05/25/06, and left for Rome on 06/26/06. However, pictures from my later trip to Rome show a clear gut pushing my shirt out. Pictures from Amsterdam do not show this: my belly looks much flatter. However, I weighed about exactly the same when I left on each trip.

Now don’t get me wrong. I am happier about these pictures than I am from my original trip to Europe in November 2001. I have a picture of me at the Tower of London where I am so fat. I did weight over 270 lbs on that earlier trip, and was down below 220 lbs on the most recent trips, but it seems like there is a difference in the weight.

So in that regard, I am now looking into Body Mass Index to see if that will help me understand what I need to do. I started with a BMI of 34.77. This is in the obese range. A BMI of 40 would have been morbidly obese. My highest BMI has been 36.25, so I have never been morbidly obese based on the BMI structure.

My current BMI is 27.86, just under obese classification of 30-39.99, and clearly in the overweight classification, 25-29.99. Based on the BMI ideal and my height, I should weight 210 pounds to be considered healthy.

I checked with Body Fat Percentage, and mine should be about 26.44, which, depending where you look, seems to fall into the high “acceptable” to low “obese” level. And again on the online calculator I used, I would need to be 210 pounds to be considered “Normal weight.”

Notice how none of them consider me to be “under height?” Fuckers!


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