(There are graphic pictures on this entry. Please take that in mind when viewing.)
For the first time in my life, and with no hyperbole at all, I can now say “I am lucky, and feel fortunate, to be alive today.”
On Friday, Carl and his boyfriend were up from DC and we went to dinner with a few other friends. Between 9:30 & 10 pm, after dinner, we were driving home, and about half a mile from my home, when another car came barreling at us after it jumped the about 15 feet wide median strip (yes, it is actually about 15 feet wide) and slammed into us head-on. Carl suffered broken bones in his arms, & his boyfriend suffered contusions and some facial cuts. They were in the front seat and belted in.

I was in the back seat and not in a safety belt. I flew around the car like a rag doll and slammed into the rearview mirror, but the airbags stopped me from hitting the windshield directly with any force. I suffered lacerations of the scalp, sore muscles but no concussion.
I know the details of the accident only because I’ve been told them. I remember we were stopped at the red light and started moving forward when it turned green, and that is it until the paramedics were there and I was asking why I was bleeding. I don’t remember the accident at all. I remember holding my head and asking over and over why I was bleeding.

We all went to the hospital where Carl and I spent the night. Carl has a brace for his broken left elbow and a splint on his broken right thumb. His boyfriend has pain killers for his leg pains from contusion. I got 4 staples in my head. Yes, they are actual metal staples that they put them in with a device that looks like your garden variety Swingline staple gun.

After we were released yesterday, we went to clear out the car; that is when I realized the damage. I don’t know how we survived. Or, more accurately, I am glad Carl has a BMW and it is a little tank, because, as the pictures show, it is fucked up completely. This guy hit us head on going very fast.
I don’t talk about my work on this blog, but I deal with motor vehicle accidents on a regular basis and have taken classes in forensics and accident reconstruction, and I’ve seen less impact accidents cause death. Especially for the unbelted back seat occupant (full disclosure here: I have been taught that, other than a head on collision, the seatbelt for the rear occupant usually isn’t as safe if there is a lack of curtain airbags, as you are stuck in the seat if another car hits rear passenger doors – massive head & trunk traumas occur more with seatbelted rear occupants, but less flying around the car). Had I been belted in, I probably would have only suffered sore muscles and maybe some back problems (the BMW has a secure trunk that doesn’t give at all to soften any impact, therefore the passenger's body absorbs the full impact ) but that is it. I also would probably remember the accident. Not sure I want that, to be honest.
To be honest, that is what freaks me out more, not remembering any part of the accident. Nothing. Zilch. I remember the feeling of shock as my head was bleeding, that is it. Carl said as we sat there “I’m calling Kelly” and I said “Who is Kelly?” She is my sister with whom I am very close and lives up the street from the accident. I don’t remember the speeding car coming right for us, and, to be honest, I think I am glad for that.
I don’t want to talk more about it here for some legal reasons. We are alive, all of us, and that is more important than anything in the world.
And I might be going out and buying a BMW in the future. That is if I can get out of the house and drive any car again.

And here is proof that Carl & I survived, in front of the smashed up BMW the day after the accident (the car that hit us is just to Carl's right - you can't see the impact.) I have my head bandaged, and Carl has both arms in braces. His boyfriend didn't want to come to the lot to see the wreckage.
We may look like a sad sight, but I don't believe you would have seen two happier people in the world on that day. Seeing my friends alive is worth more to me than hitting the lottery - and that ain't hyperbole!
Love you Carl, love you Darren! Your next trip to Pittsburgh will be much less action packed! I hope it is downright boring, to be honest!
Alive & kicking in Pittsburgh,